

Sophisticated Analytical Instrumentation Facility, CIL and UCIM

Faculty & Staff

Name Telephone Number E-mail CV
 Honorary Director
Gaurav Verma  2541065, 2534046, 9417522614 Download CV in PDF Format
 Associate Professor
H. P. S. Kang  2534055 
Ramesh K Sharma  2534053, 9815604963 Download CV in PDF Format
 Assistant Professor
Anil Kumar Sharma  2534050, 9876191493 
Poonam Kumari  2534051, 9872663277 
 Scientific Officer
Jagtar Singh  2541065, 2534081, 9888368019 
Rajender Singh  2534057, 9501239960  
Ashok Kumar  2534047, 9988466392  
 Assistant Section Officer
Narinder Kumar  2534047, 9876133486  
 Senior Assistant
Bindu Gupta  9877852268  
Manish Kumar  2534047, 9781012525  
Rimpal Kalyan  2534047, 7696516651  
 Senior Technician - G II
Geeta Arora  2534081, 9872981211  
Kuldeep  9467618184  
Maninder Kumar  7986622472  
Subhash Chander 2534062, 8872081092 
Uttam Chand 2534047, 9814993598  
 Junior Assistant
Lukesh Garg  9780915083  
Monika  8699801829  
 Junior Technician - G III
Anit Kumar  9041907917  
Dharamvir  2534082, 9779303149  
Harkamal Singh  9417774268  
Rakesh Kumar  9888322808  
Ramneek Kaur  8146665583  
Sushil Kumar Shukla  9888604727  

Note: List is displayed in alphabetical order under designations.


Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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